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Board of Health Minutes 6/20/16


Date:  June 20, 2016
Present:  John Makuc, Roy Carwile, Julio Rodriguez and Peter Kolodziej
Also present: Kay Purcell, Sonny Bullett from Berkshire Elder Protective Services

The meeting began at 4:05pm

1.  The minutes from 6/6/16 were approved.
2.  Peter gave an update on the Church property.  A site visit was made by Peter and Sonny Bullett from Berkshire Elder Protective Services.  Sonny attended the meeting as Millie’s advocate with her permission.  She has made some improvements on the property and currently there are no longer any major health impacts to the neighborhood.  Millie has agreed to receiving assistance with living arrangements.  Sonny will begin trying to hook her up with legal aid with regards to selling the house and will start a conversation with her about getting her the proper mental health referral.  Seeing as the outside has been cleaned up the health hazard has been removed the Board will not seek assistance through the court system.  The Board will discuss this further at the next meeting.
3.  Roy explained that there is some concern over an elderly resident’s ability to care for themself on Pixley Rd.  There are additional concerns about possible hoarding and cleanliness issues.  Roy expressed concern that the Police and Fire Departments need a way to handle these situations when they come across them.  Peter stated that if the Board of Health is made aware of a situation like this the responsibility falls on them to begin the investigation.
4.  Peter has been made aware of at least one home on Lake Garfield that is using the lake for their drinking water.  This person has been advised that this isn’t safe for many reasons and that an alternate water source should be found and that this isn’t legal and that a plumbing system has to have a potable water source connected to it.  Peter suggested that something be put in the Monterey News warning any other homes that may be doing this.  Bottled water should be brought in for drinking.  
5.  The next meeting will be Monday, July 11th.

The meeting adjourned at 4:52pm
Submitted by,
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant